Three servants of the late Madame Le Hay, etching, 18th century

Portrait of a young maid sitting in front of a plate of fruit. On the shoulders a cat and a parrot on the index finger of the right hand. The background, aseptic and dark, highlights the group. The subject is fictional. Beyond the image below is engraved: Trois Domestiques / de feue Madame Le Hay / peints d'apres nature et gravez à l'eau-forte par les D.lles / Anne et Ursule De la Croix. Avec Privil. du Roi. The authors represent the servants of the painter-poet aunt, Elisabeth Sophie Cheron Madame Le Hay 1648-1711, a decidedly revolutionary woman for her time. Excellent impression, specimen trimmed along the edge. In excellent condition except for traces of old mounting on the reverse and thinning at the upper corners. On the reverse rectangular stamp dating to the end of the 19th century: La Espanola/Galeria de Bellas A/Lond… (not in Lught).
ID: 11318-1736334549-112869