Bamboo clothes hangers by Olaf Von Bohr for Bonacina, 60s

Imposing coat hanger made for the well-known Bonacina company by the Dutch designer Olaf Von Bohr, bamboo, binders in indian cane, 60s. The great genius of this interesting design object lies in the great versatility and potentiality of the use of bamboo, a material that has recently become fashionable again, also thanks to the rediscovery of the great masters and the great companies that in the '60s and '70s created real iconic pieces. Olaf von Bohr is one of the undisputed masters of industrial design, author of countless creations that have become emblems of an era and which, as is usually the case with other great masters of the past, has the ability to return to production thus determining trends and styles even after his death. Today as then, in Bonacina each piece is handmade by specialized craftsmen who, with care and experience, bend reeds, weave and weave pith threads and synthetic materials giving life to projects by architects and designers and implementing a process of international dissemination.
ID: 13383-1605196178-12125