Artona armchair by Tobia and Afra Scarpa for Maxalto, 1970s

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Artona armchair by Tobia and Afra Scarpa for Maxalto, 1970s (around 1975). Wooden structure and cushions upholstered with cognac tone leather. Tobia Scarpa and his wife Afra Bianchin began their long career together in 1959, designing the Pigreco chair at Franco Albini's decoration course. They both graduated from IUAV in Venice in 1969 and worked together on dozens of projects, mostly in furniture design, distinguishing themselves for works of "architecture and design characterized by elegant and refined forms and choice of materials". Without following passing trends or fashions, but "pursuing the ideal of a durable and well-made product," Afra and Tobia Scarpa participate in the establishment of the company Flos (1960), for which they design several lamps. The pair worked on many important commissions, including B&B, Cassina, Fabbian, Gavina, Stildomus and Veas. In addition to industrial products, the Scarpas made an essential contribution to "the new need to organize and represent companies in Veneto and Lombardy". Winners of the Compasso d'Oro 1970, they established a very important and long-standing collaboration with Benetton in Treviso, designed the knitwear factory in Paderno (1964), the factories in Castrette di Villorba (1980 and 1993), the restoration and reconversion of Villa Spineda in Venegazzù (1999) as well as numerous stores (they also designed stores for C&B, Geox and Unifor). The Scarpas also worked on numerous restorations in the Veneto region, "trying to achieve a synthesis between continuous experimentation with innovative solutions and in-depth knowledge of traditional building techniques".
ID: 6186-1683791728-63295