Majolica plate by Jean-Baptiste Guillibaud, 1730

Large majolica plate by Jean-Baptiste Guillibaud (Rouen, France), circa 1730. Blue “GB” mark in cursive. Flaking reassembled in an old restoration; some chips on rim. The large dish with wavy rim is painted in bright-fire polychrome with an ornament inspired by the Chinese Greene & Greene family of the K'ang-hi era and interpreted with great pictorial skill. The exquisite motif is composed of lattice elements with floral ornaments called “sainfoin”. The cavetto hosts a landscape on the shores of a lake with large pagodas enclosed in fences, trees, giant flowers and birds. For plates of the same type see, for example, S. de Plas, Les faïences de Rouen du nord de la France et de la ragion parisienne, Paris s.d., pp. 30-31; and others preserved at the MET in New York.
ID: 9486-1717425150-93108