3 American Atari ST1040 Monochrome Monitor and Mouse, 1980s

Atari ST1040 with Atari SM125 Monochrome Monitor and Mouse The Atari ST is a second generation home computer based on the Motorola 68000 processor, equipped with 512 kByte of RAM (or more, depending on the models) and equipped with a 3.5" floppy disk. In many respects, such as with the windowed graphical interface, the mouse and the aforementioned Motorola 68000 processor, the Atari ST was similar to the much more expensive Apple Macintosh and the Commodore Amiga. The interface was strongly inspired The Macintosh caused it to be nicknamed "Jackintosh" (after Jack Tramiel and Macintosh) by the press of the time. CPU: Motorola MC68000, 8 MHz ROM: 192KB Software included in ROM: Atari TOS (The Operating System) + GEM (Graphics Environment Manager) RAM: 1 MB, expandable up to 4 MB Graphics mode: 320×200 (16 colors) up to 640×400 pixels Audio: Yamaha YM-2149, 3 voices + 1 channel for noise Keyboard: 94-key QWERTY, with arrows, numeric keypad and function keys 1 serial DB25 male, RS232C 1 parallel DB25 female, Centronics 1 external hard disk drive, DB19 female 1 external floppy disk drive, DIN 14 pin 1 audio/video DIN 13, RGB and composite video 1 IEC power input 2 MIDI (in and out) DIN 5 poles, lateral 1 connector for cartridges, 40-pin edge, lateral 2 mice and joysticks, DB9 male, lower The serial port, with 25-pin male D-Sub connector. A modem can be connected to the serial port. The parallel port, with a 25-pin female D-Sub connector, to which it is possible to connect a printer. The port for the Atari hard disk, with a 19-pin female D-Sub connector. from the manual, we read that the hard disk can transfer data at a speed of 10 megabits per second. The external floppy disk drive port, with 14-pin DIN round connector. The external floppy disk drive is the secondary drive, since the Atari 1040 ST F is already equipped with an internal floppy disk drive. The monitor port can work in three modes, depending on the connected monitor. with the SM125 monochrome monitor it is high definition: 640×400 pixels in black and white. with other monitors it can be 320×200 with 16 colors or 640 x 200 with 4 colors. Power connector, IEC C13 standard. The power supply is internal. At the rear, we also find the power switch and the reset button. On the right side, we find the floppy disk drive On the left side, we find the two MIDI IN and OUT ports – they are 5-pin DIN connectors – and the expansion port for 40-pin cartridges. The two ports for connecting two joysticks, or a mouse and a joystick, are located on the bottom of the computer. They are two 9-pin D-Sub male connectors.
ID: 60840-1737718828-113928