Pair of armchairs B 952 F by Adolf Loos for Thonet, 1930s

Extremely rare beech wood Windsor-style chairs by Loos Adolf (1870–1933), manufactured by Gebrüder Thonet. Stamped by company trade mark. The authorship attributed to A. Loos in 1903 (chairs used eg. in the interior of his own apartment. Expertly restored by a professional studio with long history of preserving rare and unique pieces. Dimensions: H 100 cm, D 44 cm, W 53 cm. Lit .: Ottillinger, Adolf Loos - Wohnkonzepte und Möbelentwürfe . Salzburg, Wien 1994, S. 35, Nr. 21, p. 110
ID: 96322-1739193722-115918